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Only Specific Cases Are Appropriate for Plea Deals

Nov. 1, 2019

People who are facing criminal charges might be in a hurry to get them resolved. This isn't always easy, and trying to make it happen can sometimes require some difficult decisions. One of the things that some people have to think about is whether they are going to try to enter into a plea deal or not.

There are several things to think about if you are considering this option. The most important of these is that you should only consider this if you agree that you committed the crime. You don't have the option of claiming you aren't guilty if you are going to accept a plea bargain. Typically, you will have to plead guilty as part of the deal; however, some agreements allow for a "no contest" plea that allows you to accept the judgment without admitting guilt.

Next, you have to determine what conditions are being put on the table. Remember that the court doesn't have to accept the terms of the deal. Before you agree to specific terms, find out what trends the court has for similar cases. This might give you an idea of whether your terms are close.

Plea deals provide a way to lighten up the load of the court while still resolving cases. For the defendant, they provide a measure of stability since they know what sentence they are likely going to receive. In some cases, they might be able to try to plead guilty to reduced charges that won't have the major life impacts that their original charge would have.

Remember that plea bargains aren't appealable, so you have to consider them as only one defense strategy option. You can't come back later and decide that you don't agree with the terms. Part of the plea bargaining process involves waiving your right to an appeal.