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False Accusations of Rape Are More Common than You Think

Sept. 4, 2019

When people hear that someone is facing a rape charge, they assume the worst. This is one thing that can be especially damaging to the defendants because there is always the chance that the accusation was false. Unfortunately, this is something that is more common in this country than what some might realize.

Some believe that false accusations are rare; however, this isn't actually the case. These false accusations can ruin careers, reputations and lives. For the men and women who have to face them, the battle often feels like an uphill one that is going to be more trouble than they are prepared to handle.

The trouble with accusations of rape is that they are often made without any witnesses. One person's word is against the other. Sometimes, the accusations are made, and there are marks on the accuser, but those might have come from a rough encounter and not from an unwilling forced one.

Many reasons are behind these false accusations. Some can come out of revenge for a break-up, but others are more puzzling. Some accusers might just want attention and feel that if they claim something horrible happened to them that people will feel sorry for them and lavish them with that attention.

No matter what reasoning is behind false rape accusations, the defendant will have to work hard on a defense strategy. This should be based on facts and must include information that will poke holes in the prosecutor's case. The goal has to be showing that there is reasonable doubt about what allegedly happened. Start the process as quickly as possible so that you have time to explore the options.