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Self Incrimination, the Truth and How They Work in Criminal Cases

Dec. 8, 2017

Have you ever paid attention to the oath that you have to take before you testify before a court? This same requirement to speak truthfully is something that you will encounter at various stages of the criminal justice process. If you aren't truthful, there is a good chance that you might face perjury charges for lying under oath.

We understand that you might be a bit confused about how you are supposed to tell the truth about everything and not face the possibility of incriminating yourself. This is quite the conundrum, but there is a way that you can do this. You can opt not to answer any questions by pleading the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution.

You should realize that if you plead the Fifth, you can't pick and choose which questions you are going to answer. Instead, you have to simply avoid answering any questions. You can't make any statements at all about your guilt or innocence.

We realize that you might not be sure what you should do. In almost every criminal case, it is a good idea to invoke your right to have an attorney present. This means that we can join you as you are being questioned and represent you throughout the process of your case.

Each criminal case has individual elements that must be considered. No matter what type of criminal charge you are facing, we are here to help you learn the options that you have and work toward a resolution, all while protecting your rights as your case marches through the court system.

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