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Know the Criteria for Drug Possession Charges

When you hear that you are facing drug possession charges, your heart might drop into your stomach. The realization that you having the drugs in your possession was a criminal matter might be shocking. It is imperative that you think carefully about what you are going to do from here because you will need to create a strong defense to fight against the charges.

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Learn Your Options in The Criminal Justice System

The criminal justice system has a lot of possibilities. There are many different outcomes for cases and several ways to resolve them. When you are a defendant in one of these cases, it is best for you to learn about the ways that your case might be resolved so that you can determine what you are going to do.

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Understand What Comprises a Jury of Your Peers

One of the rights of a person who is facing a serious criminal charge is that he or she can have a jury trial. The jury has to be comprised of the defendant's peers, but this doesn't mean what many people think it means. Here are some points to remember about a jury of your peers in the criminal justice system:

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Think Realistically About Your Criminal Defense

Felony charges can't be considered minor in any cases. These charges, even the ones for criminal actions that don't seem serious, can impact the remainder of your life.

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Defendants Taking the Stand to Testify Is a Difficult Decision

Some decisions in the criminal justice system are more difficult to make than others. One of the more difficult ones in many cases is whether the defendant should take the stand to testify.

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Plea Bargains Play an Important Role in Criminal Cases

Many people don't understand why people who are facing criminal charges would accept plea bargains. Some people don't understand why prosecutors would allow cases to be settled in this manner. The fact of the matter is that plea bargains play a big role in the criminal justice system.

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Self Incrimination, the Truth and How They Work in Criminal Cases

Have you ever paid attention to the oath that you have to take before you testify before a court? This same requirement to speak truthfully is something that you will encounter at various stages of the criminal justice process. If you aren't truthful, there is a good chance that you might face perjury charges for lying under oath.

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Command Respect when You Invoke Your Right to Remain Silent

You have the right to remain silent if you are being questioned in relation to a crime. You can invoke this right whenever you feel the need if you are dealing with law enforcement officers. There are a few points that you need to remember if you are ever put in a position where you might want to do this.

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Criminal Investigations Depend on The Circumstances of The Crime

The investigative process is very important in the criminal justice system. Anyone who is accused of committing a crime and has charges levied against him or her will likely have been the subject of some type of investigation.

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Don't Try to Hide from Criminal Charges; They Do Catch up To You

Nobody wants to think about having to face felony charges over the holidays. This is one reason why many people try their best to stay on the right side of the law toward the end of the year. Still, there are some circumstances that are out of your control.

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